At Defiant Events, we actively encourage the use of and incorporate Pyrotechnics within all of our events as an added element of realism and immersion for our players.

We proudly work in partnership with Flash Bang Smoke and Bulk Pyro Supplies to supply our players with the best pyrotechnics to add to their gameplay.

For years, we have seen countless innovations with regards to pyrotechnics for use in Airsoft, but nothing which truly addresses the issues of the use of explosives at night as a result of night-time site volume limits preventing deployment of percussive pyro.

We have worked in conjunction with Flash Bang Smoke and Bulk Pyro Supplies to develop two throwable grenades and an electric detonated charge which are all hearing safe and adhere to night-time sound limits at only 72 dB.

These pyrotechnic devices will be available for purchase exclusively from Bulk Pyro Supplies and usable at Defiant Events Ops (some exceptions may apply).

M38 Strike Top Grenade

A compact carboard housing with a strikeable fuse held beneath a removable lid. Simply twist the lid, remove it from the device to expose the fuse, and strike the fuse on the strike face on the lid. Throw immediately in the area of your chosen target, and the device will ignite with a short sharp flash and a small amount of smoke. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions.

M38 Electric Det Charge

A compact carboard housing with an electrically detonatable fuse held beneath a removable lid. Simply twist the lid, remove it from the device to expose the wire held below, and connect the wire to your chosen detonation device (remote or wired). Detonate from a safe distance, and the device will ignite with a short sharp flash and a small amount of smoke. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions.

M13 Ring-Pull Grenade

A flashbang-style plastic housing with a ring-pull detonated fuse. Simply free the ring, pull quickly and smoothly, and throw the grenade immediately in the area of your chosen target. The device will ignite with a short sharp flash and a small amount of smoke. Always follow manufacturer’s instructions.

Take back the night.

Bulk Pyro Supplies // @bulk_pyro_supplies

Flash Bangs Smoke // @flash_bang_smoke