RealCap is Where It’s At

The below rules supersede any contradicting rules from the standardised rules set.

  • RealCap means to imitate the the regular capacity of the magazine of which the real weapon takes its likeness from

  • Extended capacity magazines, may exist for the real firearm, but are not allowed at our RealCap events (eg. surefire 100rnd AR Mags, or Saiga Drum Mags etc) this also includes sidearms.

  • In most cases underloading magazines to realistic ammunition limits is acceptable and means that players will not need to purchase new magazines to attend our events.

  • Additionally we will limit the number of magazines that may be carried by attendees. And with the exception of Support Gunners, nobody will be allowed to carry loose ammunition.


  • All RIF magazine limits are that of their real steal counterparts

  • Riflemen can carry up to 8x magazines and up to 3x pistol magazines. This includes the magazines in the weapon



  • Beltfed MGs can have up to 600 rounds, this can either be in magazines or loose.

  • The Maximum Burst length of an MG is 2 seconds with a recognisable pause between burst (as per standard rules)

  • Support Gunners can carry a pistol with up to 3x pistol magazines. This includes the magazines in the weapon


  • Magazine fed Support Weapons (RPK / LSW / M27) are to use the standard magazine capacity of the real rifle. But may carry up to 13 magazines, including the one in the RIF.

  • The Maximum Burst length of an LMG is 2 seconds with a recognisable pause between burst (as per standard rules)

  • Support Gunners can carry a pistol with up to 3x pistol magazines. This includes the magazines in the weapon#


  • Must be mounted with a Pintle / Swing Arm etc

  • Only Belt Fed Support Guns are permitted to be mounted in this way (No RPK, LSW etc)

  • Vehicle Mounted Support Weapons can have up to 2000 rounds, this can either be in box mags, or loose in ammo cans.

  • The Maximum Burst length of an MG is 2 seconds with a recognisable pause between burst (as per standard rules)


  • All RIF magazine limits are that of their real steal counterparts (Under-loading is permitted)

  • Marksmen can carry up to 5x magazines and up to 3x pistol magazines. This includes the magazines in the weapon


  • Bolt Action Rifle users may underload their magazines but have a maximum of 10 rounds per magazine

  • Bolt Action Rifle users can carry up to 5x magazines and up to 3x pistol magazines. This includes the magazines in the weapon