What is Roleplay?

This event is an Immersive Roleplay Airsoft Simulation.
This means that a large feature of the event involves interactions between players / characters within their defined role.
Not all civilians are armed insurgents and players won't  just be able to grab a gun and start a conflict.
Although this is definitely an airsoft event, and you will at some point be shooting at one another. The build up is often slow and uses these periods to encourage those roleplay interactions.

Players, especially those on Opfor, can add  so much to an event experience by adopting a role, setting up a business/ character during the event to add to the story line.
Doing this can help gain intelligence, or build a report with the opposition.
Police / DEA are also expected to conduct themselves in a fitting manner and approach “members of the public” in a way that represents the unit that they are emulating.

Scale of Escalation for El Hacha

To ensure the event does not disintegrate into an all out war prematurely, we will introduce the following classification.
The categories are Green Amber and Red.
Corresponding coloured cards will be issued to players so they know at what level they can act.

Green = Everyday Civilian / No Threat

  • You can still carry out Cartel Aligned illegal activities such as narcotics manufacturing or trafficking.

  • If stopped or confronted by the Authorities, you must comply with their requests and pose no threat. This might include providing information such as your name and game address (the building you're camping in for the event). Any further information you provide is up to you as a roleplayer.

  • You must not carry or use any form of weapon.

  • You may be “paid” to move a bag or box or container as part of an event.

  • You will generally go around your daily business as normal. 

Amber = Lightly armed and Resistant to Authority / Mid Level Threat 

  • You can carry out Cartel Aligned illegal activities such as narcotics manufacturing or trafficking.

  • You may carry a handgun which must be Open Carried  in a holster. No other forms of weapon are permitted

  • If confronted by authorities, you can expect to have a weapon raised at you as you might be open carrying a sidearm and or acting suspiciously 

  • If you move to draw your weapon, you can expect to be shot at

  • You may step up your level of resistance towards authorities, but as long as that resistance does not involve you touching your pistol, you should only expect a non lethal form of force to be used in response. But nothing further should be applied by Police / DEA

  • You can move other weapons like mortars but you must not use them.

Red =  Fully Armed and Equipped / F*ck the Police

  • You can be fully armed, including rifles  and pyro if wanted

  • You may wearing a chest rig or other load bearing equipment, as well as a Helmet, at night time, for the use of night vision 

  • You will be able to engage  the other side freely

  • You can still opt to downgrade your level to “Amber” or “Green” if you wish. You can drop your gun and pretend to be a civilian again, but if you were identified as a hostile, the authorities will be justified to take action against you.

Directing Staff and the organisation of the 3 cards

Generally our role play events start off with a slower first quarter This is while the storyline is being developed. You will start the event with the majority of your side holding a Green card  and your DS will introduce Ambers and Reds periodically through those earlier  hours.
You can swap cards around freely. For example if your card is Red, but  you want to take a break for food you could swap with somebody on an amber  or green card player  and give them the opportunity to act as a combatant while you sort yourself out.

It is probable that at some point all players will be notified that they can all consider themselves to be on Red. This instruction may be communicated via whatsapp to save from physically handing red cards to all players.